Thursday, December 11, 2014

#0048 - Illusion Cache

Illusion Cache
N 34° 59.825 W 092° 00.748
Team: A, C

This was one of the coolest hides so far. Susan (Avenging Unicorns) suggested I go check this one out. I spent about 10 minutes kicking rocks and looking in chain link fence posts.

Could. Not. Find. It. 

So I texted her for a hint and drove down the road to the BMX cache.

After I found the BMX one, a car pulls up to I'm getting ready to pull out my "I'm on a scavenger hunt" spiel. No need....first thing the guy says is "Did you find it?"

So we introduced ourselves, complained about the ruined cache, and I ask him if he had any luck with the Illusion Cache. He laughs and says "Yeah, I'm the owner."  Ha! What luck!

His nudge is: It's something that blends in well, but has no business being there. His official nudge was "We're out in the country...why is this here?"

So I go back...and look...and look...and look some more. Ugh! (he's sitting in his car laughing.)

Haha I was so scared I was going to shock myself. I undid both sides...and as I was joining them back up, I noticed something.

Yes! That's it...the itty, bitty cache log. It is only a half inch wide.

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