Saturday, November 29, 2014

#0038- #0041 - Communicating W/Man Upstairs, Edumacation Cabot High School, 5 of Diamonds, Bingo2

Communicating with the Man Upstairs
N 34° 57.691 W 092° 05.123
Team: A,C

A nice easy park and grab in a gorgeous part of town. I didn't realize how many areas look so remote, but are just minutes from town.

Edumacation Series - Cabot High School
N 34° 58.242 W 092° 00.367
Team: A, C

I had to email Razz007 for a hint. I can't believe how GPS blind I was. It was in an obvious sign. Duh Ang

Five of Diamonds
N 34° 57.304 W 092° 04.364
Team A,C
old Google maps image of the five diamonds

This site might have had five "diamonds" but three of them were missing. One sign was on the ground and the cache was lying out in the open. I signed it and put it back into one of the missing "End of road" diamond signs.

Bingo 2
Team A,C

Another of Floaten's puzzles. They are soooo hard, and sooooo alluring! Razz007 helped mentor me through this one. HTML usage and four copies. LOL It'll make sense after you solve it.

Friday, November 28, 2014

#0037 - Branniff

???? Puzzle Cache
Team A,B,J,C

I actually worked this one out by myself. I'm not very good at them, but I'm drawn to them like a siren song. Floaten, the creator, is an evil genius! Haha

I love puzzle get the joy of getting the puzzle right THEN finding the cache! Since this was on the other side of town, I corralled the boys into going with me after Thanksgiving dinner at the OD's.

It was UNDER a redman. I almost gave up looking for it. I fell in the mud looking at a telephone pole.


Monday, November 24, 2014

#0031 - #0036- Edumacation Series

Team: A,J,C

These were all park and grabs. There is nothing interesting to talk about so I'm going to lump them together.

I got an email from Razz this weekend informing me that the Edumacation series was back on active status. So I woke up the teenager, bribed him with coffee, and we went out to grab a few. He's been bugging me about his unlimited 3 flamingos trip. (And what better way to start a vacation week??!?)

#0031- Edumacation: Cabot Middle School North - N 34° 58.888 W 091° 59.636
#0032 - Edumacation: Cabot Jr. High North - N 34° 58.563 W 092° 00.495
#0033 - Edumacation: Eastside Elementary - N 34° 58.050 W 092° 00.509
#0034 - Edumacation: Central Elementary -N 34° 57.652 W 092° 00.514
#0035 - Edumacation: Cabot Jr. High South -N 34° 56.592 W 092° 00.694
#0036 -Edumacation: Stagecoach Elementary - N 34° 57.192 W 091° 59.067

DNF- Edumacation: Cabot High School -N 34° 58.242 W 092° 00.367

First Trackable - Angela's Compass Rose

-Angela's Compass Rose.
This arrived the day after the November meet/greet. Grrrr. I am such a swag girl...I think I would have loved to be a Girl Scout...just to collect the badges! It's about the size of a quarter.

#0030 - November C.A.G.E. Meet and Greet

November C.A.G.E. Meet and Greet
N 34° 48.097 W 092° 12.904  
Team: A, C

They had it at the Whole Hog Cafe in North Little Rock. What a great group of people. Made us feel instantly part of the group.

Baby Sister won a geocache to hide! We need to find a home for it.

I totally forgot to take pictures. I did snap one of Baby Sister and her new Geocache. It's a spice jar wrapped in camo duct tape with a log/baggie inside. :)


Monday, November 17, 2014

#0029 - 007 Series: Melina Havelock


007 Series: Melina Havelock
N 34° 58.622 W 091° 51.908  
Team A,C

nice park/grab

See it??? Try again.

It's easier to see it in profile.

#0028 LCCC Bulterville I

Butlerville cemetery outgrew it's original spot, so they created a Butlerville II across the street. I got the first one, but not the second. Talk about frustrating!! My GPS kept ping ponging all over that cemetery! Then some loose (large) dogs came into the cemetery and I didn't think a signed log was worth a potential bite. Another one for the DNF file.

this was hidden, very well, in the cleft of a tree.
This is what happens when you plant a tree by  a headstone. In a while the tree will consume it!

#0027-"The Unknown Soldier"

The Unknown Solider
N 34° 56.768 W 091° 58.830 
Team:A, C

As a Midwesterner, my knowledge of the Civil War is based solely on books and the History channel. It was very sobering to get my first taste of the Civil War today.

All of the graves are unknown soliders

This is only one side. The other side is larger. I'd say around 200-250 graves.

The cache was in the heart of a crepe myrtle

I traded a clip for a penguin keychain. Jesse's trying to get me to give it to him.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

#0026 LCCC Johnson

LCCC Johnson
N 34° 51.083 W 092° 04.645
Team: A,J,C

This is the farthest LCCC from my house so I've put it on the back burner.

"J" wanted to stop by the gaming store on JFK in Sherwood...."Hmmm, that's not too far" So bribed him with coffee and he babysat Baby Sister for me while I went out looking.

At first glance this cemetery isn't that interesting. But the farther back you walk into it, the more you find. I even found a really fluffy white feather. I'm part hippy, so I took it as a sign/hello.

Log was in good order and dry. Plenty of space left. :)
Thank you! 

Friday, November 14, 2014

#0025 - LCCC Evans

LCCC Evans
N 34° 57.732 W 091° 59.412
Team: A,C

Last year I joined the Arkansas Women Can Run (Cabot) Clinic. My favorite run was from the High School Football Field, up Main street, to Honeysuckle, and past Evans Cemetery. I always wanted to stop, but never made the time.

I have to say, the cemetery caches are becoming my favorite! They are just magical in the autumn.

On this chilly day I nursed Baby Sister and left her to nap in the car (40 deg, so she didn't overheat. I did cover her with a blanket to keep her warm) and plugged this into my phone gps. It stared back at me with a dumb look on its face. (searching for signal) I casually walked around the cemetery (timing my steps with the frantic dog barks. *grin*) Nothing. No idea. I finally got cold and went back to check on Baby Sister.

After I warmed up and made sure she was still asleep...I Google mapped the coordinates. (I, personally, call this cheating...but I was angry at my gps app and wanted revenge) Read through the previous logs (Newbies are VERY thankful for those) Then turned off my phone and went searching. Walked right up to it and rolled my eyes at the fact I overlooked it on my first walk through.

Very old Stones...and a very new stone (June2014) in this cemetery.
Many weather worn blank stones
I walked by it twice before I realized what it was.
This is a BSB cache (Baby Soda Bottle) ?? I guess because it looks like a baby bottle nipple.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

#0024 We Need Moore in the Front

We need Moore in the Front
N 35° 01.772 W 091° 56.979

These little Park and Grabs are brainless, but I do like seeing parts of my town that I normally don't visit. We live on the outskirts and it's much easier to hop on the Hwy and go to the bigger town. It's nice to have an excuse to explore this part of town.

#0023 BB WM

N 35° 03.906 W 091° 54.334 
Team: A,C

Just a park and creeps me out to be in places I don't normally go (back by the loading dock)
I don't like Walmart...but I do cave in often. I hate that they run small business out and are allowed to subsidize their low wages with public assistance of their employees...while the top echelon of Walmart are some of the richest folks in the country. (but I digress)

This is my favorite WalMart. It's so much nicer than the one in Cabot...and filled with country people. Most everyone is friendly and will love on my baby girl. (which, to be honest, is my barometer of "do I like you?")

#0022 Quack, Quack, Goose

13Nov 14
Quack, Quack, Goose
N 35° 00.398 W 091° 57.992

I've been looking at this one every time I pass this housing development. Today, on the way to the grocery store, I stopped and grabbed it. A simple park and grab (I didn't even wake the baby)

I like the caches that actually tell a story about why they were placed. From the website:

This cache was placed to honor the GooseClan!  They are new to caching and hopefully this will help them get the fever even more so!

Not much around here to see but give it a year or two and this nice little subdivision will be full of growing families!  Dogs will be running around barking at cars, kids riding bicycles up and down the streets, people out walking and all the normal things of life!

Monday, November 10, 2014

DNF - 10Nov14

DNF Did not find

-Another Fire Department
N 35° 01.064 W 091° 59.460
Decided this was not going to be a complete waste of I picked up some litter. There is someone who uses chew...and just pitches his containers out there. I found three.

-Little Bit Evil
N 35° 00.500 W 091° 59.347
We found the tool kit...but not the log. I'll go look again...then email for a hint.


:( Will try again 

#0021- Village Entrance

Village Entrance
N 35° 00.634 W 091° 59.384

This was a cute little cache. The Austin Police stopped me to see if I needed help/up to no good. After he got the whole coffee-fueled spiel about Geocaching, he said "gotcha" and left.

I traded my first crocheted flower today for a whistle. I think I may hold on to the whistle if I plan on going out into the real woods. LOL

It was nice to find it so easily. I had bad luck with two other finds today

haha stick maps!

#0020 - LCCC -Drunken Brethren Cemetery

LCCC -Drunken Brethren Cemetery
N 35° 01.537 W 092° 00.011

What a beautiful morning to go out. 51 degrees!
We had company

Someone wasn't GOOD company

I thought...oh look, a Flagpole...and a hole in it. I wonder if they hid in there? Then my brain kicked in:Snake, Tarantula, black widow?? So I took a picture with the flash. Do you see bones in there? I do.


Location of Cache:
I love vising these old cemeteries. They're so beautiful and peaceful.